
  1. 基本信息




    2009.9-2013.7 中国科学院生态环境研究中心理学博士生态学专业


    2006.9-2009.7 沈阳农业大学林学院农学硕士森林培育专业


    2002.9-2006.7 沈阳农业大学林学院农学学士森林资源保护与游憩专业



    2016.2- 2018.3 Iowa State Univeristy (艾奥瓦州立大学) 地质与大气系博士后

    2014.1- 2016.2 Yale University (耶鲁大学) 森林与环境系博士后

    2013.10-2016.04, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 环境科学与工程博士后

  2. 研究方向


  3. 讲授课程


  4. 教学成果
  5. 学术成果



    l 2024-2027 城市绿地景观格局的热环境效应对气候变化的响应(国家自然科学基金面上项目)

    l 2024长株潭绿心地区生态系统服务时空演变特征及空间管控策略研究(湖南省自然资源厅项目)

    l 2021-2023 城市绿地降温效率的空间异质性及其驱动机制研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目)

    l 2021-2023 长沙城市化过程中不透水地表与植被覆盖动态耦合的热环境效应(湖南省自然科学基金面上项目)



    Ø 王若茹,李小马,甘德欣 刘欢瑶* 唐乐 蔡正午.湖南省近20年植被动态演变特征及影响因子研究 应用生态学报 接收待刊.

    Ø 杨纯,蒋恬田,李欣,李小马* 绿化覆盖率对城市绿地破碎度与地表温度的关系的影响,生态环境学报 2024,33(02)

    Ø 杨呵,李小马* 刘欢瑶 李毅,结合群落结构的城市森林地上碳储量遥感估算——以长沙市为例,东北林业大学学报,2024,52(06)

    Ø 王鹭莹,李小马*,甘德欣 李毅.长株潭城市群生态系统服务权衡与协同关系及其驱动因素生态环境学报 接收待刊.


    Ø Li Hu, Chao Fan, Zhengwu Cai, Wei Liao, Xiaoma Li*. Greening residential quarters in China: What are the roles of urban form, socioeconomic factors, and biophysical context? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening , 2023, 86, 128020

    Ø Yulin Peng, Dexin Gan, Zhengwu Cai, Mingxi Xiao, Di Shu, Can Wu, Xiaoying Yu*, and Xiaoma Li*,  Landscape features impact the spatial heterogeneity of visitation density within a comprehensive park: What are the seasonal and diurnal variations? Forests, 2023

    Ø Liao W, Guldmann J-M, Hu L, Cao Q, Gan D, Li X*. Linking urban park cool island effects to the landscape patterns inside and outside the park: A simultaneous equation modeling approach. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2023, 232104681.

    Ø Qin Tian, Qingdong Qiu, Zhiyu Wang, Zhengwu Cai, Li Hu, Huanyao Liu, Ye Feng, Xiaoma Li * Spatial configuration of urban greenspace affects summer air temperature: diurnal variations and scale effects. Atmosphere, 2023

    Ø 蒋恬田, 杨纯, 廖炜, 胡力, 刘欢瑶, 任勃, 李小马*, 2023. 城市绿地景观格局影响地表温度的通径分析以长沙市为例. 生态环境学报 32, 18-25.

    Ø Huang, B., Lu, F., Sun, B., Wang, X., Li, X., Ouyang, Z., Yuan, Y., 2023. Climate Change and Rising CO2  Amplify the Impact of Land Use/Cover Change on Carbon Budget Differentially Across China. Earth's Future 11.


    Ø Wu C, Li X, Tian Y, Deng Z, Yu X, Wu S, Shu D, Peng Y, Sheng F, Gan D. Chinese Residents’ Perceived Ecosystem Services and Disservices Impacts Behavioral Intention for Urban Community Garden: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Agronomy, 2022, 12(1): 193.

    Ø Li X, Li X, Tang N, Chen S, Deng Y, Gan D. Summer Outdoor Thermal Perception for the Elderly in a Comprehensive Park of Changsha, China. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(11): 1853.

    Ø Feng Y, Wang J, Zhou W, Li X, Yu X. Evaluating the Cooling Performance of Green Roofs Under Extreme Heat Conditions. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10.

    Ø Deng Y, Gan D, Tang N, Cai Z, Li X, Chen S, Li X*. Research on Outdoor Thermal Comfort and Activities in Residential Areas in Subtropical China. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(9): 1357.


    Ø Liao, W., Cai, Z., Feng, Y., Gan, D., Li, X*., 2021, A simple and easy method to quantify the cool island intensity of urban greenspace, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 62:127173.

    Ø Cai, Z., Fan, C., Chen, F., Li, X*, 2021, Pseudo-Invariant Feature-Based Linear Regression Model (PIF-LRM): An Effective Normalization Method to Evaluate Urbanization Impacts on Land Surface Temperature Changes, Atmosphere 12(11):1540.

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